Thursday, 11 April 2013

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 2

Theon's reekification

Theon, you're back! So soon? Thought you had somewhere (hell) to be for two more seasons? Did your agent negotiate Season 3 into your GOT contact?

I didn't mind one bit. In fact, everything about Sunday's episode was pretty good! All the Stark children made new friends, which is exactly what they needed. The Brothers without Banners are perfectly cast and exactly how I remember them from the books! Who wouldn't want to accompany a scruffy group of vigilantes to vent about the war over brown bread and soup? The best way to get our gang moving is by shooting an arrow directly at Hotpie (sorry, Hotpie). Smart move on the writers to introduce characters that will turn things around for our heroine, Arya. Also, The Hound is back! And he outed Arya! That bastard. 

It's wonderful to see Bran hanging out with kids his own age. They have so much in common, like warging and dream-swapping. Also, does anyone else think that Jojen Reed looks a lot like Tate from American Horror Story? Someone in TV land should capitalize on this.


Back in King's Landing, Tyrion and Shae shared a pretty touching scene regarding his not-so-discreet feelings toward her. Please don't kill Shae, Tywin!  Joffrey is smack talking to his mum again and it's so not cool. How long is Cersei gonna put up with that crap? We'll find out soon enough. 

Also, the Queen of Thorns! What a boss. Admittedly, the Tyrell's are probably my least favorite house. All the Tyrell's come off as so pandering, ineffective, and conniving. But that's the point, isn't it? At least Lady Olenna tells it like it is. Should Sansa trust her? If the series has taught us anything, it's to trust no one.

Speaking of the Tyrell's, I have a bone to pick with the casting of Ser Loras. He's a freaking Knight! Would a Knight have these arms?

Not a Knight.

Finally, Jaime Lannister manages to outwit Brienne and instigates a sword fight on a bridge, not the smartest thing to do when there's a bounty out on your head. 

Alas, they are captured. Good job, dude. Overly zealous of him? Definitely. Maybe Jamie will learn an important lesson about arrogance. I hope the next episode will follow suit of the books and bring about a shocking and disturbing turn of events for Jaime.

If you're like me, you can't wait till Sunday. Breaking Bad Season 5 (again) will just have to occupy my TV schedule until then....

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